Graduate students explore new fields at the annual Science for Success Tour


Students learn about soybean production and the agriculture industry in different regions

“I really like the community feel at the soybean field tournaments every year,” said Lilly Bunch, a graduate assistant studying crop science at North Carolina State University. (Courtesy photo)

WASHINGTON — Graduate students from across the country met in the mid-Atlantic in August to learn about agriculture in the region, visiting everything from a traditional Amish farm to an industrial one soybean processing plant.

The tour was organized by Science for Success, a team of 25 multidisciplinary specialists soybean growing regions working together to provide the best research-based management practices for American soybean farmers. As of 2019, students working for those specialists have joined the summer tour to learn about soybean production and the agriculture industry in different regions.

“I really enjoy the sense of community at the Soybean Tournament every year,” said Lilly Bunch. graduate student assistant studying crop science at North Carolina State University.

Students at the University of Maryland’s Wye Research and Education Center. (Courtesy photo)

“We all have the same interests and it’s very rewarding to interact with people like that enjoy the same things as you and you know what youre talking about. You connect with people really quickly that way,” Bunch said.

Bunch also co-chairs the graduate student committee within Science for Success, where he meets regularly with other graduate students to plan professional development and networking opportunities and help prepare students for graduation. This is her second and final year of tournament participation before graduating in May.

“I’m sad about it, but I’m happy to finish with a good result,” Bunch said.

Daniela Carrijo and Nicole Fiorellino, two Science for Success researchers from The Pennsylvania State University and the University of Maryland, respectively, coordinated this tournament of the year in their home states.

“We hit some unique farms here for our region, including dairy farms in southwestern PA, we visited an Amish producer to learn more about the changes in the way they farm,” said Fiorellino, “As we moved to Maryland, we visited a mushroom growing facility that is quite unique to the mid-Atlantic region.”

Students also participated in a panel on conservation practices, toured a soybean pressing facility, learned about the poultry industry and visited the University of Maryland at Wye Research and the Education Center to hear more about expansion efforts in the state.

“I was really focused on graduate students connecting with farmers and learning more about how farmers relate to us in expansion,” said Fiorellino, “And how they use the results of the research we have produced to make decisions on their farm.”

Most of the students on the tour work specifically with soybeans, so Fiorellino and Carrijo wanted to give them an opportunity to explore areas they don’t usually work in, and for him understand how different sectors work together.

“I hope that the students who participated in the tour this week not only learned a little more about Mid-Atlantic agriculture and the practices we use,” Fiorellino said, “But I I also hope they enjoyed their experience engaging with farmers and learning about farmers in the mid-Atlantic region and their relationship to extension and and researchers.”

The August 4-7, 2024 Graduate Student Tour was made possible by many generous sponsors, including the Atlantic Soybean Council, Delaware Soybean Board, Maryland Soybean Board, Pennsylvania State University College of Agriculture, Soybean Board of Pennsylvania and the United Soybean Board.

About Science for Success: Science for Success is a national Soybean Extension team Specialists from land grant universities. Science for Success is funded by United Soybean Enter through the checkoff program.

– Science for Success
United Soybean Board

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